Sunday, June 3, 2012

Living the Good Life—How To Deal With Food

Weekly Blog of 6/3/12 

This is a follow up to my sermon from my series “What’s In Your Well? … 7 Life Affirming Virtues”. This particular virtue was on “Temperance.” Practically speaking, here are some…

Recommendations for defeating gluttony: BRETT & KATE MCKAY

1. Eat when hungry, stop when full. (I would say, “Eat until you feel satisfied.)
2. Sit down for a proper meal.
3. Savor each mouthful, and think about the flavors you are experiencing.
4. Put your fork down in between bites.
5. When the flavors become less vibrant, and your stomach starts to feel full, stop eating.
To that I would add:

1. Fight gluttony in community. (This seems to be key for “The Biggest Loser” and other weight 
lose organizations.)

2. Fast. (Consult a doctor first. After receiving his advice, tailored to your health, practice spiritual
 fasting. Do so first to know God more intimately. Let the byproduct be His empowerment to help 
you master your appetite. 

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