Monday, March 15, 2010

When God Fights God

The older I get the more I appreciate the relationship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit maintain with each other. Now, that has not always been easy. At times, they have had conflict. We tend to sentimentally gloss over these.

I remember a time in Luke 22:39ff, where Jesus was having a meeting with the Father in the garden, and Jesus was saying, in effect, “I know, Father, you sent me here to Earth to die, and I know it is important to save all these people, but I’m having second thoughts about this, and I would like some really graceful way to back out—if it would be okay with you.”

It’s interesting; I have articles in my files from the field of medical science. They state that sometimes when human beings experience conflict or extreme stress, they are mentally and spiritually so frazzled that a physical symptom appears. This symptom is a reflection of the subconscious mind and spiritual state. Supposedly, the symptom is rare, but does occur. The symptom is sweating drops of blood.

Did this happen to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane? Perhaps. Most versions translate the passage as Jesus sweated drops like blood. Clearly, Luke wishes to portray the agony and anguish of Jesus. That suffering of Jesus reflected a conflict between the Father and the Son.

Go to Matthew. Jesus was on the cross. Remember? What did he say? “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Somehow, though, the Son was able to serve us. He readied himself to die, and he said, “Into your hands, I commit my Spirit.” Everything worked out in our favor, but the Father and Son had to work through severe conflict.

Now, you may be experiencing conflict in your marriage. You may be feeling emotional turmoil because of tensions in your relationships at church. Perhaps you may be facing conflict at your job.

Don’t think this is unique to you. Do not believe that it authorizes you to bail out. You have something in common with the Father and the Son. Look to them. They worked it out, and so can you.

Five Things I Think I Think (with a nod to Peter King for this idea)

1. I checked out from the public library, LEONARD BERNSTEIN’S YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERTS WITH THE NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC. These were CBS telecasts in the 50s and 60s, designed to teach children about music. I was introduced to these telecasts in Mrs. Glenda Winkle’s fifth grade music class. She would show old films of these broadcasts. Through these and her teaching, I fell in love with classical music and even some works of opera. I have been playing the Bernstein DVDs as background music. Beautiful music, and Bernstein has been helping improve my music education.

2. Last week I experienced one of my great moments. I saw Little Joe Otter cross the road. I was driving through Henderson, Texas when a river otter bounced across the highway. I had heard rumors they were coming back. I had never seen one in the wild. I hope to see more. By the way, Little Joe Otter is one of the characters in the Thornton W. Burgess books for children.

3. First, the huge earthquake in Chile, and, then, last week, the aftershock. May God be with the people of Chile.

4. I was so sad to see that Merlin Olsen passed away last week of mesothelioma. My kids know him because of LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRARIE. I remember him as a member of the LA Rams Fearsome Foursome. Merlin Olsen—definitely a gentle giant.

5. In three weeks I will share with you my picks for the Final Two in both the men’s and women’s NCAA Basketball Championships.

Have a great week!


tandi said...

Thank you for your messages. You managed to hit exactly what I'm struggling with - and I didn't get to your message yesterday so read it today to start my day. My current struggles/conflicts are NOT unique - Jesus made it through conflict and with His strength I will to. Thank you for this reminder.

mark edge said...

Thank you, Tandi, for taking the time to write. May God continue to bless you.